Teller's Point

Writing in 1866, Benson Lossing says of Croton;

"On returning to the village across the fields northward of Mount Pleasant, I obtained a full view of Teller’s or Croton Point, which divides Tappan from Haverstraw Bay. It is almost two miles in length, and was called Se-nas-qua by the Indians, and by the English, Sarah’s Point, in honour of Sarah, wife of William Teller, who purchased it from the Indians for a barrel of rum and twelve blankets. It was called Teller’s Point until within a few years, when the name of Croton was given to it. Near its extremity, within a pleasant, embowered lawn, stood the Italian villa of R. T. Underhill, M.D., who was sixth in descent from the famous Captain Underhill, a leader in the Indian wars of New England. The point was owned by himself and brother, both of whom had extensive vineyards and luxuriant orchards. They had about eighty acres covered with Isabella and Catawba grape vine, sixty of which belonged to the doctor. They also raised fine apples and melons in great abundance."